Build Your First Dashboard
Slides from the 60-minute educational workshops dedicated to teaching you how to build your first dashboard within the Kitman Labs system.

During the workshop, the project team will instruct, within an educational workshop experience, the basics of dashboard creation. You will learn how to navigate the Buffs Intelligence Platform interface, search for basic types of information within the database, and construct a series of different visualizations, all within the platform.

Workshop Agenda:
• Introduction to Kitman Labs
• The Buffs Intelligence Platform
• Crawford Family WHOLE Student-Athlete
• Proliferation of Sports Data
• Data Transformation Process
• Dashboard Build-Along Construction
While engaging more departments is a critical part of our data collection and analysis process, we must also understand the human element of our intradisciplinary efforts. Rooted in collaboration, is the willingness to share, learn, and collectively grow.

This workshop will be an interactive session (bring your own laptop) where we will instruct step-by-step how to begin visualizing the data your department collects.
We have hit an inflection point where staying in our lanes is no longer an option. To have any shot at competing for and winning championships, with the relentless push to transform, innovate, and reinvent, we must climb out of our departmental "silos" and collaborate with each other and transparency share performance intelligence between departments.