The Cognitive Benefits of Weightlifting: A Coach's Perspective

In this article, I delve into the science behind weightlifting’s cognitive benefits, particularly as it pertains to brain health in various populations, including the elderly.

The Cognitive Benefits of Weightlifting: A Coach's Perspective
Photo by Milad Fakurian / Unsplash

In the realm of collegiate strength and conditioning, my 15-year journey has consistently highlighted the holistic benefits of exercise, not just for physical prowess but for cognitive health as well. While aerobic activities like zone-two running, easy jogging, walking, and yoga often dominate the conversation around brain health, resistance training—or weightlifting—emerges as an equally critical component for enhancing mental well-being. In this article, I delve into the science behind weightlifting’s cognitive benefits, particularly as it pertains to brain health in various populations, including the elderly.