#053 - Matthew Johnson
In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, I'm speaking with Men's Basketball Strength and Conditioning for Butler University, my good friend, Matthew Johnson.

In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, I'm speaking with Men's Basketball Strength and Conditioning for Butler University, my good friend, Matthew Johnson.
Johnson serves as a member of the men’s basketball staff at Butler University and oversees the program’s strength and conditioning, while also assisting with rehabilitation of injured student-athletes and working with university partners on nutrition and supplement education.
Johnson most recently served as the Director of Strength and Conditioning at George Washington University from 2013-18.
At George Washington, Johnson supervised a six-person staff that worked to maximize the performance of student-athletes from all 27 varsity athletics programs. In addition to designing and implementing strength and conditioning programs, Johnson also created nutrition initiatives for GW student-athletes and introduced high-performance technology into the program.
I had a blast recording this show and I know you'll take away a few GREAT things from it!
You can catch up with Matthew on twitter and instagram at StrengthCoachMJ.
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