Monthly Musings #010
My monthly musings. Once a month microdose of the coolest things I discover.

“A team wins not because of senior or star players, but due to the game changers, because they do not wait for the chance to score, they create a chance to score.” ― Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
monthly musings
Once a month microdose of the coolest things I discover.
1. Favorite Tool is this package TidyPredict. This package enables running predictions inside databases. It reads the model, extracts the components needed to calculate the prediction, and then creates an R formula that can be translated into SQL. It has some really cool capabilities if your working with databases.
2. Currently Watch to lately was a Netflix documentary called "The Great Hack". This movie explories how a data company named Cambridge Analytica came to symbolise the dark side of social media in the wake of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as uncovered by journalist Carole Cadwalladr. As a self professed data-geak, this movie resonated with me when they mentioned that data has become the most expensive commodity.
3. Looking Forward to buying and reading this Robert Caro book "Working". This book covers the two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Power Broker and The Years of Lyndon Johnson: an unprecedented gathering of vivid, candid, deeply revealing recollections about his experiences researching and writing his acclaimed books. It details his meticulous researching and writing process - a process I deeply admire and envy.
I'd love to have coffee with you if you're around Boulder. I'll buy ☕
Some of my favorite links lately.
1. Effect of Hip Extension and Nordic Protocols on Hamstring Strength
2. The Endless, Invisible Persuasion Tactics of the Internet
3. Meet the classified artificial brain being developed by US intelligence programs
I've recorded a few new Decoding Excellence episodes. Check them out.
1. Decoding Excellence Show on iTunes
2. Decoding Excellence Show on Spotify
3. Decoding Excellence Show on