Win Forever: Pete Carroll

I've been looking forward to this book for over a year. I had to pick it up on it's first day of being sold."
Midway through my long duration morning run, I had to stop at a Barnes and Noble to pick up one of the books I have been anticipating for over a year now. I'm 50 pages deep and I'm loving every word. The book I'm talking about is "Win Forever - Live, Work, and Play Like a Champion" written by Pete Carroll with Yogi Roth.
I'm going to give a full video review of the book when I finish it tomorrow or the next day. I've easily been reading through it and if your a fan of Carroll's coaching philosophy, I really think your going to LOVE this book.
Being a young coach I think this book truly speaks to those who are just starting off on their coaching career. The ideal of developing your coaching philosophy is a huge pillar or principle. I know that when I wrote my 25 page manifesto that I need to continue to refine and shape my philosophy to it's more concise. I love the idea that Pete Carroll's philosophy can be refined down to a single sentence. I'm hoping after reading this book I can come somewhere close.
I'll let you all know how I feel about the book after reading it!