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Advice I’d Love to Give Myself 15 Years Ago

I've reached a point where I feel confident in my role as a strength and conditioning coach, so I thought it would be fun to share some advice with the idea of “what would have gotten me to this point faster?”

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Advice I’d Love to Give Myself 15 Years Ago

#061 - Jim Garofalo - KINEXON Spotlight

· 3 min read
#061 - Jim Garofalo - KINEXON Spotlight

In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, I'm speaking with Jim Garofalo, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for KINEXON. This show is a first as we begin to spotlight innovative companies who are leading the sports performance industry.

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Coaching for Trust

· 5 min read
Coaching for Trust

Four fundamental lessons I've learned from world-class coaches. These strategies can help you transform your coaching strategies from where you're at, to the levels of performance your seeking.

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Radical Coaching

· 6 min read
Radical Coaching

You can't shortcut trust. You cannot microwave relationships. How do you develop the trusting relationships you need between your athletes and co-workers?

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Load Monitoring with sRPE

· 6 min read
Load Monitoring with sRPE

Are you curious how you can utilize a simple pencil & paper method to quantify workloads? In this Insiders article, I'm outlining how I use sRPE to ensure the fitness levels and workloads across our teams and athletes.

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