Blog Developing a High Performance Ecosystem Inside this webinar, I discuss many elements of designing a high performance sport ecosystem within the collegiate athletics model.
Blog Featured Sport Science & Performance In this post, I'm sharing a recent conversation I was delighted to share with Dr. Eisenmann, Dr. Wagle, Clive Brewer, and myself.
Decoding Excellence Featured #062 - Sport Science != Smoke and Mirrors: Using Data Within Coaching In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, I'm discussing an issue I hear too often regarding sport science and it's applied nature within high performance sport.
Decoding Excellence Featured #061 - Jim Garofalo - KINEXON Spotlight In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, I'm speaking with Jim Garofalo, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for KINEXON. This show is a first as we begin to spotlight innovative companies who are leading the sports performance industry.
Featured #060 - Dan Howells: High Performance Coaching In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, I'm speaking with Industry Veteran and High Performance Practitioner, Dan Howells.
Blog Featured Coaching for Trust Four fundamental lessons I've learned from world-class coaches. These strategies can help you transform your coaching strategies from where you're at, to the levels of performance your seeking.
Decoding Excellence Featured #059 - Pratik Patel: Man on Fire In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, I'm speaking with former NFL New York Giants Director of Performance Nutrition and Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach, my friend, Pratik Patel.
Decoding Excellence Featured #058 - Leadership Lessons: Business Hallways to the Weight Room Floor I'm discussing many of the leadership lessons I've learned, through the successes and failures of operating in elite sport. I discuss tactics to help empower leadership and decisions among your athletes and co-workers.
Blog Radical Coaching You can't shortcut trust. You cannot microwave relationships. How do you develop the trusting relationships you need between your athletes and co-workers?
Decoding Excellence #057 - Velocity Based Training & Performance Application I'm discussing the application of velocity based training techniques (VBT) and the application of training along the force-velocity curve.