#007 Dr. John Sullivan

In this episode of the Decoding Excellence show, I am speaking with Dr. John Sullivan.

Dr. Sullivan is a Sport Scientist and Clinical Sport Psychologist. He has over twenty years of clinical and scholarly experience, and for the past 16 years he has worked with the same team in the National Football League (NFL) coordinating clinical care and sport science. Dr. Sullivan’s experience also includes such work within the National Basketball Association, Major League Soccer, English Premier League, The English Football Association, Premier Rugby League, Australian Football League and Olympic national teams.

Dr. Sullivan and I discuss:

  • The importance of brain health
  • Importance of Nutrition, Hydration & Sleep
  • His book: "The Brain Always Wins"
  • What "Mental Toughness" really is
  • Performance Technologies

You can find Dr. Sullivan on Twitter at @BrainAlwaysWins or at his website TheBrainAlwaysWins.com In addition, you can read more from Dr. Sullivan by purchasing his latest book, "The Brain Always Wins" via. Amazon.com

This episode of the Decoding Excellence show is brought to you by Vald Performance, the makers of the NordBord. They can be found at ValdPerformance.com

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