Monthly Musings #002
"Leaders ... need humility to know what they don’t know, but have the confidence to make a decision amid the ambiguity." - Adam Bryant
monthly musings
Once a month microdose of the coolest things I discover.
Why You Shouldn't Use Pie Charts is an excellent wrote. Written by Sven Hamberg at his website. Having experience collecting, analyzing, and reporting various statistics and performance indicators for sport, I've seen the good and bad sides of data visualization. This is just one article on the complexity of good design and proper data visualization.
Creating the Elegance is one of my favorite reads of the week from Leo Babauta located at his blog. If your familiar with any of my shows or thoughts than you know that I love Zen Habits and the way Leo organizes his website and life.
How to Be a C.E.O. wrote by NY Times editor Adam Bryant. You can find the NY Times article here. This is easily my favorite read of the week. It circulated around the social medias very quickly and for good reason. Adam has interviewed thousands of different CEOs and compiled the wisdom he learned from these leaders into a singular concise article. If your in a position of authority, management, or leadership - you should definitely check this article out. It's a fascinating read and one which will benefit your ability to efficiently manage your environment.
Great Purchase of the Week goes to the Buff Headwear "Half Buff" that arrived this week. With the weather getting colder here in Boulder, this neck scarf has helped cut the blowing wind down and kept me pretty warm. If your curious, I picked up this one to represent Colorado but they have quite a few different designs to suit your fancy.
Oak Meditation is by far my favorite application of the week. I included this on the last newsletter but would be remiss if I didn't mention it again. I've been a long time user of Headspace and for Kevin Rose and his team to produce a rival application for FREE, that captures many of the great qualities of Headspace, is remarkable. Oak is a mindfulness/guided meditation application for iOS. I've been a long time meditator and this application hits the nail on the head. It has guided vocals and non-guided meditation sessions at a variety of different duration. I've found both the male and female voice to be very pleasant and conducive for meditation sessions. Check them out at